crumbled paper
- Make a landing

- Guestbook? Or
maybe chatbox
binder clip
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Estranged is how I feel towards my online presence, so much so that it doesn't feel like a temporary state of being anymore — it's just how I am. Well, ironically, is it really estrangement if it's how it's always been? The answer is that I don't know, and frankly, it's always in the back of my mind, because I hate this isolation, this feeling that what I'm putting out there isn't who I am. So, I made this site as a way to be more true to myself, in an attempt to not restrict myself to some sort of boundary that I unconsciously build for myself on other websites. I'm not a very eloquentally spoken person, but it is who I am, so if anyone reading this, I hope you'll be able to see the real me and to some extent, understand, because perhaps I'll feel less alone if I know I'm not so incoherent after all.

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Piclog added. Lots of updates but nothing new because I've been working on my Sims 4 page behind the scenes sowwy.


Chatbox added...


Created very basic landing page. New VOCALOID page in music.


Uploaded creations page. Also finally finished the site-map.


Uhhhh created trinkets page in collections and added lots of secret links in other pages.


New journal entry.


New journal entry.


Changed a lot of small css stuff. Added cool link hover effect for buttons.


Added secret pages.


Uploaded dream diary page. Added more graphics to graphics collection.


Idk, answered a questionnaire for fun and linked it on the webmaster page.


Added web neko to index. Working on links page. Testing out a webamp for webmaster page, I think it's pretty cool so far. Set up collections index, and then set up links and graphics.


Updated journal formatting, wrote another journal entry.


Webmaster page uploaded, working on formatting for journal and mini log. Made basic journal index, more journals to be added. Changed name from "journal" to "writing" to encompass the different journals.


Basic site structure uploaded. more to work on.
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internet roadkill powered by mouse